Black Forest – Sculpture 2019

Black Forest – Sculpture 2019

Lothar did an outstanding job and created a beautiful piece of art. The sculpture is quite challenging but we a confident to carve it out of the block quite nicely. As Lothar always said: “The sculpture is already in the block, we just have to carve it out”

Name of the sculpture is “In the Matrix” – An abstraction of how social networks are determine our lives. There is always an exit, an open part of the fence. A life without being networked. But no one is brave enough to take the step.



Team Black Forest is: Dethlef Schürzmann, Lothat Luboschik and Mike Schneider

2019 Team Germany – Black Forest is back at the outstanding Snow-Call Snow-Sculpting Competition in Oulu, Finland. We are one of the selected Teams from all over the world. Stay tuned and check the updates on this page!

Sculpture selected!

Sculpture selected!

Yesterday Dethlef, Lothar and I met to discuss about the sculpture. Finally we decided for one of the most beautiful one I have ever seen. The name of the sculpture is “Caught in the Matrix” and is a homage on social networks and what it can do with individuals. Stay tuned, I will post a picture as soon as I got the green light to do so from the team.

Very nice article on Baltic Snow Call Finland. (in German)

Very nice article on Baltic Snow Call Finland. (in German)

We met Tarja Prüss who runs a great blog on Finland during our stay in Oulu. She is an exceptional writer and wrote a very nice story about the Baltic Snow Call. Her Blog is also very popular and a nice place to spend ours on great stories about Finland (Tarjas Blog). Check out to read all about the Baltic Snow Call from a different perspective.

Thanks Tarja for being with us and for the outstanding article.

Competition is over – The judges spoke!

Competition is over – The judges spoke!

To cut a long story short, our team did not reach one of the first three places. Only place 1 to 3 were announced and unfortunately we were not successful. The final standing was:

1st Place: Russia

2nd Place: Finland

3rd Place: Estonia

So thank you all for following us on our great journey. Hope to have you back when we are going to the next contest soon.

The competitors

The competitors

Today at 13:00 GMT+2 the judges will publish their decision. I must say all the sculptures are well done and the field is very strong. Keep fingers crossed for Team Black Forest! Here the competitors:

Team Norway

Team Finland (2nd Place)

Team Russia (1st Place)

Team China

Team Poland

Mixed Team of Austria and Finland

Team Estonia (3rd Place)

Team Sweden

Carving Day 4 – “Dancing Bubbles” is a beauty

Carving Day 4 – “Dancing Bubbles” is a beauty

The sculpture is done and so we are. The snow carvers party last night was a blast. The remaining Kirschwasser was shared with the carvers. We finished work on the sculpture around 19:00, just one hour before the dead line. After positioning the light we called it a day. The result is beautiful.