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Olympic Spirit

Olympic Spirit

Yesterday the opening party took place. It was amazing to see how all the people melt together. Of course there is competition but at the same time we felt a very strong spirit. Teams across the globe built a community or should I say family? Well it’s up to the teams to decide on this but for us it is a huge honer to be part of this exciting challenge. To build such a nice environment and connecting people around the world you’ll need someone who brings it all together. In case of the Whitehorse Challenge there is a team of passionated people addicted to snow carving – they do an outstanding piece of work!

So we feel very very well here and even if we might not win the challenge we won already – We won lots of new friends and we have had the unique chance to feel what Olympic Spirit means.

He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life – Muhammad Ali

Lottery won!

Lottery won!

First hurdle mastered. We won the lottery and had the opportunity to pick a block first. So now we have taken the block we already choose as our favourite. YES! We start carving tomorrow morning. We keep you posted.


Our Block, or better said the block we would like to have

Our Block, or better said the block we would like to have

Lottery for the blocks is tonight. We already selected our favorite block having the sun in the back to prevent the snow from too quick melting. Pictures below should give you a bit of an impression of the size of a raw block. The sculpture is already there, we just have to carve it out of the block 🙂

IMG_5118 IMG_5122

Carving starts tonight

Carving starts tonight

The official start is tonight. There will be a dinner with the lottery for the blocks. Hope that we get one of the blocks which  is not too exposed to sunlight. The temperatures are rising during the week, bad for carving ?



After more than 22 hours we finally have arrived  at Whitehorse. We are happy to say that our carving tools cleared customs. Now it’s time for a nap.
